Tuesday, April 21, 2009
U-Blog 6
As the semester winds down, everyone is worried about final projects and and final exams. I would admit that i am one of those people freeking out and depriving myself of sleep to get everything done. But doing the chapter 8 assignments maes me wonder how my learning style and preferred teaching style relate to how i study and plan for exams. I know that i procrastinate for just about anything, which is a bad quality. The best way for me to study is to cram before the the test or the final. The way i like to do projects, is to not wait to the last minute but actually start on it early. And i prefer to teach in an interactive environment. I wonder how these variables affect the way i study. But anyway, good luck to everyone who is also struggling with final projects!
Friday, April 17, 2009
U Blog 5
Well, we did our assignment at the Heritage on April 8, and it went better than i expected. It was a very enjoyable experience. The people there were very nice and polite. They also knew more than i thought they knew. They were very excited to be learning about instant messaging. Over all the project went well . We did have a hangup when trying to get screen names, one person had a problem getting a screen name that was not already taken. But it was very nice to see how excited they were to learn about what we were teaching. The lady i was helping told me that she signed up just to learn how to do emails because she has a granddaughter that is a missionary in Russia, and a grandson in Iraq. She also said that she has gotten really good at emailing and she is learning a lot of other things also. I'm just so glad we they actually learned and all this wasn't for nothing. I just enjoy helping people, and I'm glad i could be part of this project to help others.
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